Friday, October 12, 2012

31 Days Of Horror Day 12: Intruder

Today director Jason Christopher warns you to beware The Intruder as this special month long event celebrating horror swings for the fences!

This is my favorite horror movie that came out in the 80’s. Hands down! Evil Dead 1 & 2 had come out at this point. Lawrence Bender had not found Tarantino yet.

The ex-boyfriend of check out girl at a supermarket returns at closing time to make trouble. They quarrel and the boyfriend is ejected from the store. After they lock the building and start to take inventory, the employee’s start dying off, and the survivors must eventually find a way to escape with their lives.

This movie is a lot of fun and it’s pretty strange that the crew of this film got more attention than the cast., kind of odd for that to happen. Yeah, Sam Raimi has a small part, Ted Raimi’s got a part, Bruce Campbell comes up for a second but that’s it. Oh and Renee Estevez. Ya know, from Sleepaway Camp 2! Oh, and Emilio Estevez’s sister.

This movie has some hardcore kills in it, something I’m a huge fan of. None of it is digital. I hate that look, not so authentic and I think that’s a huge thing that horror movies today are missing.

I don’t think this movie got a lot of recognition at the time though. The movie was shot on a very small budget, $130,000. Spiegel had this idea to make a horror movie in a supermarket and that was awesome. Lawrence Bender killed it as a producer on this movie and that obviously explains why nowadays he is more known for doing Quentin Tarantino’s movies. Intruder was directed really well too. I’m a fan of Scott Spiegel. He has a pretty unique vision. It’s funny, cause on the blu ray of Intruder; Lawrence Bender goes off on this tangent on how Spiegel puts the camera wherever he can.

Spiegel later on went and directed From Dusk Til Dawn 2, and a couple others, but most recently Hostel 3. A lot of people panned that film but I enjoyed it. It was very entertaining. I think the only person who could have made Hostel 3 good was Scott Spiegel. Especially since he produced Hostel 1 and 2.

Definitely check out Intruder. Hands down the best horror movie to come out in 1989 as what I believe is the last great horror movie of the 80’s. Then the 90’s came in and the genre flopped for a few years. You can get the movie on Amazon on or from Synapse Films. Enjoy and thank me later!

19 days till Halloween.


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