Friday, May 02, 2014

Hoult & Stewart Shoot "Equals" This Summer

Nicholas Hoult and Kristen Stewart will star in the futuristic love story "Equals" says Screen.

The story is set in the idyllic future society The Collective inhabited by 'Equals', humans that are peaceful, calm, fair, and polite. A new disease: SOS, or Switched-On-Syndrome, is activating in its victims everything they thought they'd escaped: depression, sensitivity, fear, and love. Once a person is overtaken with SOS, they are sent away and never seen again. Hoult plays a young infected man who discovers Nia (Stewart) has feelings, but she seems to be able to hide them. When he confronts her, they feel love and intimacy for the first time in their lives.

The premise comes courtesy of  Moon writer Nathan Parker from which Drake Doremus will call the shots.

Ridley Scott, Michael Schaefer, Ann Ruark, Jay Stern and Chip Diggins will produce.

Production begins in Japan and Singapore in August.

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