Friday, May 02, 2014

Dredd 2 Has No Script

Actor and producer Adi Shankar spoke with Dweeb Cast and sets the record straight about a quote from star Karl Urban earlier this year in which he said "conversations are happening" about the possibility of a "Dredd" sequel: 

"I'm going to tread lightly here. I feel like Karl made a small statement that got blown way out of proportion by news sites. Yeah there are conversations going on  but I wouldn't automatically go like, 'Oh there's conversations going on, so when's the release date?' When there's no f---ing script."

Shankar says he's the one "freaking out and leading the charge" with these conversations. The problem is the first film didn't have studio backing, it was an independent film, and the sequel would be as well:

"That changes the dynamic immensely, right? Every country has a different distributor that bought the movie, so every one of those distributors has to sign off."

The first film cost $50 million and grossed a worldwide total of $35 million. Shankar admits the film has "built an audience over time" and he's not giving up. Watch the full interview below:

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