Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quantum Leaps

Anthony Pascale and the staff of TrekMovie.com have been doing some fine reporting on the new Star Trek film for over a year or so now as things got imto high gear...Of course it helps when you have access to the creative team behind the film--like director J.J. Abrams, or writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman...

With the release of the film now just a week and a half away--and hopes running high that the new big screen adventure will both satisfy longtime fans of Gene Roddenberry's space odyssey-- and bring in new folks along the way... As "TOS" star Leonard Nimoy returns to the franchise after an 18 year hiatus--he is there helping to introduce a new group of actors playing iconic classic characters...I thought it might be a good time to create this post--as a way to celebrate the ginormas event and act a primer for the flick as well...

Last December Pascale talked exclusively to Roberto Orci about "How The New Star Trek Movie Fits With Trek Canon (and Real Science)"

It's a great read...and helped to clarify my concerns over the film changing the very well known lore of what's come before---I must say the filmmakers came up with a wonderful way to stay true to the legacy---while creating the new beginning....


From the Orci December interview:

...The film resolves both the paradox of how the movie can appear different, but fit within [Trek] canon, as well as how the film resolves the traditional paradoxes associated with time travel.


Q: Why do some things appear different in the new Star Trek movie?
A: There is an alternative timeline created by Nero (
Eric Bana) traveling back in time.

Q: Is everything different in the alternative timeline?
A: No, some things remain the same.

Q: Does this alternative timeline wipe out the original timeline (from TOS -
Star Trek: Nemesis)? A: No, quantum theory says they both co-exist.

Q: Does the original timeline continue?
A: Yes, again as explained by
Quantum theory.

Q: Does this quantum theory approach conform to ‘Trek science?’
A: Depends on the episode, but it is explicitly cited by Data
(Brent Spiner) [in the 7th season episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Parallels]

Pretty clever eh? Using an actual scientific principle explained in another Trek incarnation episode gives them free reign really while not ticking off the faithful...While neophytes need not concern themselves with the past...er future er whatever unless they are inclined to do so after they see the movie...

If you are a Trek fan I highly recommend you read the movie prequel comic trade paperback Star Trek: Countdown which fleshes out reasons for the elder Sopck's role as well as villian Nero's backstory and motivations...

Finally as a bonus item:

Read Pascale's JJ Abrams Talks Deleted Scenes - Find Out What Didn’t Make Final Cut of ‘Star Trek’

May 7/8th is almost here!!

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