Friday, April 10, 2009

Perpetual Sin

The gang over at Moviehole claim that Angelina Jolie is in "serious talks" to join the just in the news again Sin City 2,

She is said to be interested in the role of Ava, the femme fatale in the "A Dame To Kill For" segment for co-directors Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller..

If she does indeed play Ava--She'd be teamed up once again with her Beyond Borders co-star Clive Owen,, who would play her former lover and possible new flame Dwight McCarthy--his role in the first Sin City...

Jolie talked about SC2 last June:

"I found the first Sin City impressive, but I don't know what they're going to do with the next one to make [it] as original as the first one."

Assuming the ever make SC2--As I have said before Jolie would be a perfect fit.

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